What is VSL (VET Student Loan)?
A VET Student Loan (VSL) helps students to cover tuition fees for vocational education and training (VET) courses.
VSLs are only available for approved courses at the diploma level and above.
There is a limit to how much you can borrow, called the ‘loan cap’. The loan cap amount is different depending on the course you study. For the Diploma of Beauty Therapy (SHB50121) in 2025, the amount is $18,838.
In addition to the loan fee, your loan is also indexed each year to maintain its real value, adjusting in line with changes in the cost of living (as measured by the Consumer price Index figures released in March each year). Debts are not indexed until they are 11 months old. You can find current and past indexation rates on the Australian Taxation office website.
Each student also has a combined HELP loan limit. In 2025, the HELP loan limit is $126,839 for most students. There is more information here.
Your VET Student Loan debt (VETSL debt) is a debt you owe the Australian Government. It will be paid back at the relevant repayment rate when your income is above the compulsory repayment threshold. The compulsory repayment threshold is adjusted annually and is $54,435 for the 2024-25 financial year. The minimum income threshold for repayment is set by the Australian Government each year and is published on Study Assist. You can make voluntary payments towards your debt at any time.
Eligible course:
Course Code
Course Name
Diploma of Beauty therapy
Tuition fees covered by VSL
Gap Fees
Total Fee
Face-to-face / on campus
52 Weeks
To be eligible you must meet a number of requirements:
Citizenship evidence:
- Be an Australian Citizen (current Australian passport or birth certificate or citizenship certificate) or
- Be an eligible New Zealand citizenship holder or
- Permanent Humanitarian Visa holder
Note: Permanent residents are not eligible for VSL
- Your amount of VSL must not be greater than your remaining VSL balance if this is applicable.
- Have a valid Tax File Number OR a certificate from the Commissioner that you has applied for a TFN
Academic suitability:
- provide an Australian Year 12 Certificate; or
- provide evidence of successful completion of an AQF Certificate IV or higher qualification delivered in English;
- Evidence of Exit Level 3 in the Australian Core Skills Framework in both reading and numeracy through an approved Language, Literacy and Numeracy test. We use LLN Robot.
Age eligibility:
- Be 18 years old or older
- If under 18, Parental consent forms will be required
You can check your eligibility here: MySkills
Access the VET Student Loan information booklet here
Tuition Fees:
- The tuition fees for the course are $17,250 of which $16,785 can be covered by VSL. Please note, a loan fee of 20% applies to VET Student Loans
- Tuition Fees are equally apportioned across three (3) fee periods.
- Each Fee Period contains one Census Day.
Included in the Tuition Fees are:
- Access to student online learning and assessments materials and practice products
- Access to all facilities to undertake practical training and assessment
Schedule of Fees:
You can download the Schedule of Fees here
Applying for VSL:
- Read and understand all the information provided to you about VSL
- Complete an application form
- Complete the Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF).The College will create an enrolment in the Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) only for those Students that have met the VSL Eligibility Criteria.
- Students will receive the invitation to apply for a VSL by email from eCAF (follow the link in the email to apply for VSL)
- You will need to provide your Tax File Number when applying for a VSL in eCAF.
Census Day:
- The day the student incurs financial liability for the unit of study. Students may cancel their enrolment on or before the census day without incurring tuition fees (or a HELP or VSL debt) for the course or the part of the course.
Withdrawing from a course:
- Where a student withdraws their enrolment in an approved course on or before the census day, they will not incur tuition fees for the course or part of the course, to which the census day applies.
There is No penalty for withdrawing enrolment on or before census day
To withdraw from a VSL approved course use the online form on MyLexis Online.
Accessing Student Loan:
After you submit an enrolment application and satisfy the student entry requirements, the RTO will advise the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations you wish to access the VET Student Loan scheme.
You will receive an email from the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations with a username and password. You then create an online application. You must have your USI number and tax file number handy.
More informations for students:
VET Student Loans Eligibility Tool available on MySkills
VET Student Loan information booklet
VSL Student Information Booklet
The below resources are available at Information for VET Student Loans Students
- VET Student Loans information booklet
- eCAF Fact Sheet (electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form for VET Student Loans)
- Student Obligations Fact Sheet
- Student Progression Fact Sheet
- VET Student Loans Course Caps Indexed Amounts
- VET Student Loans Parental Consent Form (for students under 18)
- Tax File Number (TFN) Fact Sheet
- Video: VET Student Loans Part 1 – General information about the VET Student Loans program
- Video: VET Student Loans Part 2 – For students applying for a VET Student Loan
Your obligations as a student: Read more here